Building Bridges: 4th EU/US Summer School + Workshop on Automorphic Forms and Related Topics (Budapest 2018)


Automorphic forms are present in almost every area of modern number theory. In recent decades there has been a starburst of activity and progress in this broad area, leading to many new and exciting directions, applications, and connections with other areas. This is a rapidly expanding area, with numerous approaches, tools, and interconnections, as well as connections to other areas of mathematics. The Building Bridges research school offers training to graduate students and early career researchers in areas of automorphic forms and related topics that continue to be the foci of exciting and influential research activity. The five-day workshop immediately following the summer school aims to foster and strengthen a long-lasting, friendly and supportive exchange between automorphic forms researchers in the EU and the US, and to integrate the summer school students into this community. The organizers have obtained funding to subsidize the costs of successful applicants to the summer school.

The research school aims to provide graduate students and early career researchers with training on some topics that are having great impact on current research in automorphic forms. The school takes place in the first week of the meeting, and will be comprised of three 2-day intensive mini-courses, each team-taught by a pair of experts, and supplemented by afternoon problem sessions.

The workshop, which takes place in the second week of the meeting, aims to foster and strengthen a long-lasting exchange between automorphic forms researchers in the EU and the US. The focus includes all areas of research related to automorphic forms. Like previous meetings, particular effort will be made to generate and sustain a friendly, supportive atmosphere, providing encouragement to young researchers, mentoring opportunities for more established researchers.

Széchenyi Chain Bridge in Budapest at night

Registration and abstracts

Applications for the summer school and registrations for the workshop are being handled separately. Instructions to apply to attend the summer school are available here. To register for the workshop, please follow the instruction on this page.


The school and workshop are supported by the American Institute of Mathematics, the European Mathematical Society, the Number Theory Foundation, Journal of Number Theory, Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Foundation Compositio, Heilbronn Institute for Mathematical Research and the National Science Foundation.


Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics, Budapest

Summer school dates:

9 - 14 July 2018

Workshop dates:

16 - 20 July 2018


Jim Brown
Gergely Harcos
Jay Jorgenson
Árpád Tóth
Lynne Walling

Conference Poster